IELTS Listening Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab British Council Reading Actively Learn BBC Global Times Speaking engoo Writing Simon Integrated IELTS Buddy
commands # find find /data -size +1G -size -2G # directory disk usage du -sh /data # list the sizes of all files int /data du -h /data --max-depth=1 # list top 10 directories du -h --max-depth=1 /data | sort -rh | head -n 10 # change directory permissions chmod -R 777 /data # change owner chown -R dev:dev /data # port usage netstat -anp | grep 80 system # time date -R # runtime uptime -p # CPU lscpu # version lsb_release -a cat /etc/redhat-release cat /proc/version uname -a scheduled tasks # list crontab -l # edit crontab -e user who # online users # create useradd dev # change password passwd dev # change sudoers vi /etc/sudoers dev ALL=(ALL)ALL firewall # state firewall-cmd --state # port list firewall-cmd --list-all # open port firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10080/tcp --permanent # open ports firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10080-10180/tcp --permanent # remove port firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=10080/tcp --permanent # load config firewall-cmd --reload log # system cat /var/log/message # start dmesg | grep -Ei 'error|Fail' # fail grep -Ei 'error|Fail' /var/log/messages…
init and push to remote git init git add . git commit -m "init" git remote add origin <url> git branch -M main git push origin main commit # add 1.txt git add 1.txt # add . git add . git commit -m 'add 1.txt' git pull origin main git push # force push git push -f origin main:main git pull <remote> <remote-branch>:<local-branch> git push <remote> <local-branch>:<remote-branch>